Monday, September 17, 2007

Taking a break.

Do to what has happened in the past week. Kyle and I have decided to take a break from TTC for at least the next 8 months or so. I thought on Saturday that I was having a miscarriage. Well I went to the hospital yesterday because the bleeding got worse and found out I have what they call Menorrhagia which is having a very heavy period. I was told by the doctor and even if we were trying to get pregnant that it wouldn't happen do the the fact that my body isn't working right. It isn't cleaning it's self out right every month.So over the weekend I was not feeling well and I also lost a close friend do a misunderstanding.


Tiffany said...

Did the Dr say how long it will take your body to get back on track? I wish you the best of luck.

Kandy said...

Thanks. The Dr. didn't say how long. We figure that the timing isn't right with me trying to go to school so we are just going to hold off for a while and see what happens in 6 or 8 months.

Keep in touch

Laura McIntyre said...

Hugs Kandy, it sounds like its been a rough time. Maybe your body is just telling you just now is not the right time for another child (i know its hard to deal with though) , Im sure things will get better soon