Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday Fill In # 56

1. my family is what_ makes me happy.
2. I would like _some rainy days____, please.
3. _Ice cream____ tastes SO good!
4. _Friday____ is my favorite day of the week because my weekend starts_____.
5. _smile____ my best feature.
6. We could learn so much from _children____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending time with my family_____, tomorrow my plans include _Just sitting a home____ and Sunday, I want to _get some homwork done____!


Janet said...

oooh, yeah, I'm with you on #2!!! Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend :-)

Shari said...

Ice cream does taste really good, but I'm feeling like it's a little too cold for that here. Glad that your family makes you happy. Mine makes me happy, too. Sometimes a little crazy though, also.