Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tanner's birth story

So Here is out our wednesday morning started out....

I got out of bed around 2 am. I was having some back pain but nothing to bad. It was really buging me so I got up and was walking around the house. I had sat down at the kitchen table to talk to my Grandma about going in on friday to get predicures done. Kyle was going to treat us. And She asked me if I thought that would relax me enough to where it would help with having tanner. I said I didn't know but it was worth a try. I am not kidding a no sooner said that and the contractions started coming. In a 15 minute time frame I had 5 and they hurt really bad. I went in to wake up Kyle so he could leave for work and they had gotten worse. This was at 2:30am, I had told him that He could go on and go to work and if anything happened I would call his mom to come get me. She only lives down the street so she was close if I needed her. Well he got ready to leave and my grandma told him not to go because she was timing my contractions and they were 2 minutes apart. and trust me I was in pain. I was screaming at this point and trying to get in the shower to see if it would help. Well no luck there. So we headed out to the hosptial. So every 2 minutes I was having contractions that lasted a minute and a half or more. By the time we got to the hosptail it was around 6. I wanted to make darn sure that this wasnt' going to stop on the way up there so we labored at home from 2:30 until about 4: 30. So when we got to the hosptial they took me to triage. I was dialated to a 7 and had a blugging bag of water. In the 5 minutes it took for them to move me to L& D I went to an 8. I got a spinal tap and an epidrual because the nurse didn't think that we would have time to let the epidrual kick in befor he was born. Well they were right about that. The doctor came in to check me and broke my water. They asked me if I was feeling any more pain or contractioins. Well no way with all the drugs I had from the spinal and the epidrual. I couldn't feel anything for while. Then all of the sudden it was like I was having period cramps. But on the monitor it was showin as a really big and hard contraction. So they told me to start pushing. I pushed 3 times. And Tanner was born. He weighs 5 lbs 11 ounces and is 17 inches long. He was born at 8: 32 Am. Other then being born at 36 weeks he is doing just fine. He is so tiny but I am very gald to have him here and have him home with me.

We got to come home today at around 3 pm. It was really nice to get to come home to my other two kids so excited to see us and Tanner too. They can't stop asking to hold him and kissing on his little head. They really love this little guy.