Monday, July 21, 2008

My Weekend trip to Labor and Delivery

I have been having contractions off and on all night and in to the moring. They are about 6-7 minutes or so apart. But are lasting 1 minute 30 seconds or so. I have been having back pains also. They hurt alot. And nothing seems to help but breathing thou them and standing still or laying down and just breathing.
am headed in to L& D. Contractions I had last nigth came back and are just as bad as they were last night. So we called L & D and they said to come get checked out


According to the nurse at L & D. I am dialated to 3 but closed. But still 80 % effaced. She said that my contractions must have just been more like cramps becasue they weren't showing up on the monitor. Kyle seen them showing up and when ever I would have one that was strong I would make a funny face. So he know that I was having them.So I am home and they told me to just go home a rest. And follow up with my doctor on tuesday when I have my appointment.


Tiffany said...

I hope he decides to hang out in there for a few more weeks! Good luck.