Thursday, October 4, 2007

Friday Fill in

Friday Fill-In #40
If you play, please link back to me and leave me a comment letting me know you played, so I can come visit!

Questions this week are courtesy of Amy; thanks Amy!!!

1. If I were a tree I would be__an oak___ because_they are very strong____
2. If I were a bird I would fly over _to visit my mom _________
3. If I were a book I hope I would be __a great novel______
4. If I were a car I would be a ford______.
5. If I could get rid of one piece of technology it would definitely be _my cell phone___ because___some times it gets annoying___.
6. If I could get rid of one bad habit at a snap of the fingers it would be _having to be so picky some times_________
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _nothing____, tomorrow my plans include _relaxing at home____ and Sunday, I want to _hang out with the kids__!


Janet said...

Oaks are such gorgeous trees! Thanks for playing!