Thursday, October 18, 2007

Friday Fill In #42

1. October _is two months from December which means Christmas_____________.
2. ____Halloween_____ doesn't/don't scare me!
3. Haunted houses ___are scary_______.
4. My favorite scary movie is ___Texas chain saw massacre__________ because ______it is scary and my mom and i watched it when i was growing up_______.
5. ________just being _____ me.
6. It was a dark and stormy night __and I was in bed asleep______.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going out with my friends____, tomorrow my plans include _go to a county planing and zoning meeting____ and Sunday, I want to __go on a picnic with the family___!

to see my friday fill in's checkout


Janet said...

eeek, how old were you went you went to see that movie with your Mom? Scary stuff! Thanks for playing :-)

a. said...

scary movie!! i remember when my dad took me to see that movie (i was 11 or 12!)...i almost peed my pants!!! :) teeehehehe...
Have a great weekend!

Literary Feline said...

It's too early to think about Christmas! LOL Let me get past Halloween first. I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the night out with your friends.

Becky68 said...

Great fill ins this week!
I've never watched all of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (yet)
Have a good weekend!

tommie said...

I have never seen that movie! Too chicken I guess.

first time to visit from Janet's.....