Wednesday, July 23, 2008

35 weeks Appointment

Well I had my 35 week appt. I gained 3 lbs. BP was good. Heart rate for tanner was 145. Lower then it has been but higher then it was last week when it was 136. Talked to the doctor about what happened at L& D. He said the nurse didn't check me right. I was still only dialated to 2 and still at 80 % effaced. He told me if I went in to labor this week he won't stop me because tanner is mesauring almost a week and a half bigger then he should be. He said to go home and do what ever I wanted to do.DH asked if we could have sex( he is feeling a little deprived). Our OB said I could do anything I wanted to get labor going if I wanted to have this little guy in the next week or so. But he told me that He didn't think I was going to make it unitl NEXT Thursday because as I was sitting there talking to him I had like 6 contractions in a row and they were about 8 minutes apart. Not very strong but they were hurting. He said his feeling won't be hurt if I dont show up for my appt on thursday next week. I hade my Group Strep B test done yestarday also.