Wednesday, June 25, 2008

31 Week Appt.

Everything went great today. I get to go back on the 10th of July for an U/S to check his postion and to see if the dr. can guess on the weight he is going to be. Also he thinks I might be a little farther along then what he thinks. So he is going to check on the U/S to see. Heart rate was 164. I gained 3 more pounds. I go back from my normal appt on the 15th of July. I coudn't see my doctor on the same day as my U/S so I have to go back on a different day to see him. I will be 33 weeks at my U/S. And 34 weeks at my Dr's appt. He wants to start seeing me every week when I hit 36 weeks. He also told me to try to keep tanner in there until I am at least 36 weeks then I can have him anytime I want. Yeah like I have any control over what happens there.