Tuesday, May 20, 2008

26 weeks update

Well here is my update. I know I have been MIA off and on lately. I
am trying to get stuff done around the house while I am feeling good.
We all just got over being sick. And I had a ear infection along with
my cold. Plus I am on my last week of school for 4 months I can't
wait for a break.

I have 14 weeks left until Tanner is here. It seems like so much time.
But then it also seems like it is so close too. I have been feeling
really exhausted because I am not able to sleep much at night.Tanner
doesn't seem to like to sleep at night. I can only hope that he
changes his tune when he is born. I need my sleep.

I fell the other night after I got out of the shower. I hurt my back
of course it was around 10 or so and woke up my Dear hubby. who was
scared to death. He didn't sleep at all because he kept checking on me
to make sure I was ok. I am still sore from that and then happened on
Saturday night.

We went to phoenix to see some friends of ours and drop off the little
girl clothes to her. This is her first baby so now she is set on
clothes for a while. But we ended up going to the mall to walk around.
I went in the mother hood store just to look around and we ended up
spending 45 bucks. My hubby said I needed a few things.He is so sweet

My sister in law and brother in law that is adopting will have her 3
kids ( a 6 yr old girl, 3 yr old boy and a 1 yr old boy.) In just a
few weeks. They are leaving next week to go back to Missouri to visit.
I can't wait. I am finally going to be a aunt and my kids will have
cousins around their age.

Well I have my Glucolose test on Thursday. Sarah and I have our
appointment at the some time so we will be able to keep each other
company. Let just hope that we don't' have to go back for the 3 hour.
I haven't yet. But now I probably will because I said that. Will
update on that when I get home from the appointment.


Laura McIntyre said...

Happy 26 weeks, glad to hear an update and sorry about your fall.

Tanner will be here before you know it