Friday, September 28, 2007


Friday Fill-In #38
If you play, please link back to me and leave me a comment letting me know you played, so I can come visit!

1. I think it is time to go to sleep___.
2. I desire _ to be out of debt____.
3. What if _ pigs could fly____.
4. The best thing about __life is having kids___.
5. When will __my mom come to visit___.
6. The best thing that happened to me so far this week __I found out I get to graduate 4 months earlier then planned___.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __hoping seeing my friend sam___, tomorrow my plans include _ going truck shopping with sam____ and Sunday, I want to _relax and have a few drinks____!


Janet said...

I desire #2, too...and I'm doing pretty good at it! LOL at #3 ;-)

thanks for playing!